We are a family restaurant located in the Jordaan neighborhood, the heart of Amsterdam. We specialize in grilled meats and Argentine wines.
To define it with the sensitivity of some nocturnal poet, the Luna restaurant is a traditional piece of the soul of the Río de la Plata, which has become part of the physiognomy of the city of Amsterdam.

Our story begins in 1990 when the Argentine Carlos Luna founded the Luna restaurant with the aim of creating a small Argentine oasis in the center of Amsterdam. It was the first Argentine restaurant located in the old heart of the bohemian Jordaan, on the Lindengracht, a beautiful stately street of centuries-old trees and cobblestones, built on an old canal.

Almost two decades later, 17 years ago, the current owner Oberdan Montedónico appears in the image, a native of Uruguay and who with great dedication and affection has made Luna shine with its own light, turning it into a meeting point of the Amsterdam night. and maintaining that exceptional quality of the meat even after 34 years of experience.

“I come from a family of Italian immigrants, and I grew up all my adolescence in the countryside. I know the countryside and I am in a close relationship with the animals, with our cows. That’s why I not only know how to grill meat very well but I also know exactly where our meats come from. The meat we offer at Luna is fresh meat imported from Argentine fields and comes from cows raised outdoors, without surface limits and that feed on grass. For me, this is one of the fundamental keys that allows us to offer a product of superior quality like the one we offer at Luna.”


Here you can watch our promo film with sound. Enjoy!

Short films made in Restaurant Luna


Managing Director
Montedonico Oberdan Los Cerrillos, Uruguay
Grill Master
Lenero Javier Madrid, Spain (Manager)
Alves Jorge Salto, Uruguay
Kitchen staff
Bernard Hugo France
Achefay Mhamed Beni Rzine, Morocco
Battaglotti Ramiro Sebastian Buenos Aires, Argentina
Yuen Sofia Buenos Aires, Argentina
Muñiz Nicolás Montevideo, Uruguay
Portela Paris Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ricagno Francisco Buenos Aires, Argentina
Administration and Reservations
Thiem Christiane Chemnitz, Germany
Website Designer:
Morales Maria Cuba
Computer Programmer
Mazzeo Luciano Buenos Aires, Argentina